Window Replacement

Replacement Windows for Wilmington, NC

Besides the obvious energy savings, ease of maintenance and enhanced curb appeal, replacement windows add value to your home. Replacement windows brighten your home and make it easier to keep your home’s windows clean, shedding light on otherwise gloomy indoor spaces.

The Benefits of Replacement Windows

Replacement windows are an investment in your property. Old windows look bad, are not energy-efficient, and detract from the curb appeal of the property. That is why most people invest in replacement windows. The benefits of replacement windows include:

  • Enhanced Security & Safety - Windows that are hard to open can be a safety hazard. It can make it difficult to escape out of in the event of an emergency. New windows can also utilize updated security features including locks and sensors.

  • Reduced Dust & Allergens - Replacement windows can have between-the-glass blinds and screens that help to reduce allergens and dust in the home.

  • Improved Energy-Efficiency - ENERGY STAR- certified windows can help reduce your energy bills.

  • Increased Home Value - Replacement windows improve the curb appeal of the home, enhance the safety and security, and improve the energy-efficiency. This, to no surprise, means the home value is improved as well.

Why Choose Us?

Founded in 1948, Ingram Bros. Inc. has built a reputation for providing quality window and door products and services. We are committed to providing businesses and homeowners in Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender, Wilmington, NC and surrounding counties with quality products and dependable services.

Locally-Owned and -Operated Window Replacement Company

Add our replacement windows and patio doors to your home and you not only increase its resale value if you’re planning on selling it, but you also increase your family’s enjoyment for years to come. Enjoy the improved look and comfort of well insulated, energy efficient replacement windows with help from Ingram Bros. Inc. Call us today to learn more about our replacement window options!

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